Anything worth having is never easy, but when it comes to weight loss, having good information really makes the journey a whole lot easier. Use the tips, tricks, and advice offered in this article to help you avoid some of the common stumbling blocks that dieters often face along the way.
Enjoy Avocados in Moderation
Feel free to enjoy an occasional serving of avocado while dieting. Many people tend to avoid avocados due to their fat content, but they are a fantastic source of beta-carotene, potassium, folacin, and Vitamin C. The primary fat in avocados is healthy monounsaturated fat. However, if you’re watching your weight, don’t overindulge; half an avocado contains up to 15 grams of fat.
Exercise Before Breakfast
The best time to exercise is in the morning before breakfast. When you work out before your first meal, you burn stored fat instead of the energy derived from your breakfast. This practice can help maintain your energy levels throughout the day, preventing fatigue before lunchtime.
Switch to Non-Fat or 1% Milk
Consider replacing whole milk with nonfat or 1% milk. Both alternatives contain the same essential vitamins and minerals as whole milk, but without the fat. A cup of non-fat or 1% milk has 5 to 7 grams less fat and typically 30 to 50 fewer calories than a cup of whole milk. Over a year, these small adjustments can add up, contributing to significant weight loss.
Be Cautious with Sweeteners
If you’re counting calories to lose weight, avoid replacing sugar with honey as a sweetener. Teaspoon for teaspoon, honey actually contains more calories than sugar. A teaspoon of honey has about 21 calories, while a teaspoon of sugar contains around 15. Although honey has slightly more nutrients, the difference is not substantial enough to justify the extra calories in typical use.
Understand Fat Content in Spreads
Don’t assume that margarine contains less fat than butter; they both have the same amount—11 grams per tablespoon. Although margarine has less saturated fat and contains no cholesterol, it can also include trans fats, which have been linked to heart disease. For fewer calories, consider using diet or reduced-fat margarine instead.
Designate an Eating Area
Create a specific area in your home solely for eating, whether it’s the dining room or kitchen table. This way, you will associate that location exclusively with meals, minimizing the temptation to eat in other areas of the house, such as in front of the television or in bed.
Serve Meals Straight from the Stove
To avoid temptation, serve meals directly from the stove. If you place food in serving dishes before sitting down, it can be far too tempting to go back for seconds or thirds. Serve yourself a reasonable portion, and once you’ve finished, remind yourself to resist the urge to return for more.
Start Your Weight-Loss Journey
Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and use the information you’ve learned here to embark on your weight-loss journey, armed and ready to go. Knowing is half the battle, and now that you understand what to do—and what to avoid—you’ll be better equipped to take control of your weight once and for all.